Process, People, and Pods

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Ideal Skill Ratios in Pods

So are, we have talked about pods, ideal team Agile team structures, and the proper mix of developer skills in the pod. In this post, I would like to describe the needs for other skills in the pod.

An ideal pod would contain:

  • 4-6 pairs of developers (8-12 total)
  • 2-3 business analysts
  • 2-3 testers
  • 1 ambassador (aka project manager or iteration manager)
  • 1 customer or customer representative (rotating on need)
So adding to our pod formulas:
Analysts + Testers + Managers + Customers = 80% (Developers)

So if I calculate how many programmers a project should need, I add another 80% to cover the other roles. So between this ratio and the productivity uplift I give to the programmer skills (5:2:1 for Masters, Journeymen, and Apprentices), I have the tools for doing my Agile project plans for a pod. Of course, this is just the starting point for the plans. I adjust skills constantly throughout the project.

For example in the first release of the project I am currently working on, we ran it successfully with 3 pairs of developers, two analysts, a single tester, and a single project manager. The next release had the same 3 pairs of developers, but only a single analyst and a single tester; metrics showed we should have had a second tester, however. Overall, however, the project is successfully running light on non-developer resources.

On the other hand, an early project on which I worked at ThoughtWorks ran its last release with one project manager, one combined customer/business analyst, 3 pairs of developers, and over a dozen testers! The customer was writing the stories herself, perfectly able to keep work flowing to the developers. The developers were a Master-heavy mix, and produced accordingly. This high productivity drove the need for up to 17 testers at one point; no investment in automated acceptance tests had been made.

Despite these examples to the contrary, I like the above ratios for planning. It is my starting point, and I adjust accordingly.


Anonymous said...

That's an awfully big team. From past experience, I've seen cohesion maintained successfully with 10... but once you introduce that fifth pair, it stops being true that every pair can overhear every other pair because there's nobody in the way. From a seating perspective, that fifth pair would need to sit on the end cap of the project table, where they really have trouble hearing the two pairs at the far end of the table, especially if there's talk among or between the two closer pairs.

Fred George said...

thank you for sharing your experiences. Have you had projects that ran at 10 and higher? How did you accommodate the stress?
I will get into more detail about why I like pods as large as I am specifying. I agree: The sweet spot is 3-4 pairs. If I get to 12 programmers, I want two teams. I did a project with 50 programmers. We broke into 5 tables with each team having about 5 pairs. Work demands caused some teams to drift larger for an iteration or two, but it was undesirable and tolerated for a short term only. We rebelled vigorously when it was suggested the 50 could break in to 4 teams, and won our point.
I have trouble splitting a 10 programmers into two teams: 5:5 isn't good for pairing, and 6:4 leaves little rotation for the "4". So I will generally keep 10 programmers together, and split 12.

Anonymous said...

zcnalV Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

FxRW8Y Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

8ly283 Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

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Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

hHm2B8 Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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特に、始動性を犠牲にしてでもバッテリーや発電機をプチギフト ガムに小型化若しくは取り外し、場合によってはスーツ 買取すら排して押し掛けを前提とする新潟市 税理士向けエンジンにおいては、自動車などでもマグネトー式点火装置が用いられる事がある。
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Anonymous said...


梁爵 said...

2020.05.18酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容受到疫情影響,全台酒店、我在酒店上班的日子遭勒令停業,酒店小姐也暫時失業。一名網友就表示酒店小姐一定有S?,他看到有些新時代的獨立女性都會說,做酒店 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕趕緊存錢,且不偷不搶已經存到人生第一桶金;不過原PO好奇,「酒店妹職場須知 【酒店PT 】不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?」貼文曝光後引發熱議。原PO在PTT指出,他看到一些新時代的獨立女性,都會說做酒店不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕存錢,「不偷不搶已經存了第一桶金,酸民有嗎?」而這種文章下面一堆女孩點讚,但原PO疑惑,「酒店妹不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?有沒有酒店打工這方面的八卦?」貼文一岀引發熱議,網友紛紛回應:「不一定賣身是在說別人,用別人的案例說服你」、「好像帶出場做什麼都可以,就是賣時間陪你,但S要另計的樣子」、「就S…不然能幹嘛」、「看是哪種框」。除了發生性行為外,也有過來人舉出自己的經驗,紛紛表示「玩動物森友會」、「麻將缺一位,湊酒店妹不行哦?」「有錢人都花錢帶酒店妹去聊天啊」、「吃清粥小菜」、「唱歌、打保齡球、打撞球、射飛鏢」、「看臉,臉不OK就吃消夜」、「打遊戲王卡」、「踏青旅遊逛書展」、「上次帶一個大學生出場,請她幫我寫期中報告」、「我朋友上次框酒店妹出來幫他解微積分題目,給你參考 」、「談情說愛」、「遊戲王決鬥啊,妹子沒輸過」、「探討人生哲理」、「補習英文啦」、「相約考國考」。

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